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Allocations Question & Answers


When is the application due? 

Applications are due by 12 pm on January 31, 2024. Late applications will not be considered.  


Can two different agencies apply if they have the same EIN? 



Why do I need to submit more than one project? 

Offering several projects allows the board to pick projects that align with our mission statement and our budget.


What type of projects do we fund? 

We find projects that have a positive impact on the community of Beaverhead County, focusing on education, economic stability, health, community impact, and ideally needs to be completed in twelve months.


What type of project do we not fund? 

Salaries, wages, overhead costs, or administrative costs.

Capital campaigns, Building/Remodel Projects (special exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis with a broad community impact.)            


Where do I get a Profit and Loss Statement?

You can get your P&L from QuickBooks or your accountant. There are also resources online that can assist you with filling in these statements.


How do I get a copy of my 990?

Your accountant or if you file a 990-n, there will be a copy on the IRS website. Go to and search for the Tax-Exempt Organizational Search Tool.


Progress Reports


What is a progress report?

If your agency received grant funds in the previous years, you must submit a progress report.


How do I get a progress report?

Progress reports will be emailed in the first part of December, and a copy can be retrieved from our website.


When are progress reports due?

Progress reports are due by January 17, 2024. New applications will not be considered if you do not submit your progress report by the due date.



Allocation Presentations


When are the allocation presentations? 

They are usually the first week of March.


Where will the presentations be held?

To be determined.


What do I need to bring with me to the presentation?

Please bring anything you find helpful to create a complete picture of your project. We cannot guarantee there will be technology in place for audio/visuals.


How long do I have to present?

Each agency will be allotted 15 minutes to present their projects to the board. We ask that you save the last 5 minutes for questions and answers from our board.


When will I know if my projects have been granted?

Our board will meet on the Saturday following the presentation dates and decide which projects will be funded. You will receive an email the following week letting you know what has been funded and for how much.




Allocation Funding


What do I have to do to receive my grant funds?

In April, a contract will be sent from our executive director outlining the terms and conditions of your grant. You will also receive an ACH form. The Original of each form must be returned to the United Way office by May 10, 2024.


When will I get my grant funds? 

Grant funds are sent out quarterly in May, August, November, & February.


How are the grant fund payments made? 

All grant payments are made through an ACH.


Do I have to apply if my agency has received designated funding?  

No. However, we still encourage you to apply, as your agency may have projects that exceed your designated funding.


What is required of my agency to receive designated funding? 

In order to receive designated funding, you will be asked to fill out an information sheet to verify your 501(3)(c) status. If funds were received in previous years a progress report must be completed before funds are dispersed.

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